Dear Club Member,
The new club ties have now arrived and are available for purchase.
They may be picked up from Charlie Douglas-Hughes at 33 Beech Avenue, Halstead, or alternatively from any of the upcoming pre-season nets at Gosfield School. If you would like your tie to be sent to you in the post, please include P & P of 0.50p and email Trevor Cooper directly to inform him of this.
The ties cost £15 each, and payment can be made by cheque to Halstead Cricket Club, cash paid directly to Charlie Douglas-Hughes on collection, or preferably to Trevor Cooper. Finally you may pay by bank transfer:
Account Name: Halstead Cricket Club
Sort Code: 20-97-40,
Account Number: 50441007
Reference: Club Tie
Anyone wishing to pay by card may do so and pick up their tie once the season has started from the pavillion.
Please note that you will only be able to pick up a tie after payment has been made.