Halstead Cricket Club News story

VPs Day, Scorebox Opening and Beer Festival

28 Jul 2018

To all Club Members :


The Vice Presidents’ Tea has been rearranged for Sunday 9th September, at 4.00pm at Star Stile. 

There are cricket matches on both the Main Square and on Mortons Meadow and with plenty of cricket as a back drop’ there should be plenty to keep our Members entertained throughout the afternoon. 


In addition, having a good attendance from our membership will give us the ideal opportunity to have an Official Opening for the new Score Box and publicly acknowledge the very generous Mitchell Smith bequest to Halstead Cricket Club.


In addition can I remind all members that we have our Beer Festival next week, starting on Friday 3rd August, following the Corporate Lunch, which is  on Thursday 2nd August.


Can I take this opportunity to thank Adam Morris and Lauren Hume for taking over the running of the annual Beer Festival, the Clubs main source of income, and hope that the membership will support Adam & Lauren, and their team of willing helpers, by coming along to some of the events over the weekend, (advertised on the HCC website).  




Mark Surridge