Can all members please ensure that they have filled in their availability for forthcoming matches.
We appreciate that you may not know it for the whole of the rest of the season, but a fortnight at a time should be sufficient.
If you know you can or can't play, or even are unsure, please fill it in as best you can. An 'Unsure' is far more helpful than a blank space.
As we am sure you appreciate, it makes life far easier for the captains each week if there is an easily accessible framework of who is available.
To do this please log in to your account and then visit this link:
It only takes a minute but helps us immensely.
Thank you to those who are already doing this, it is much appreciated.
If you have any issues with this, please don't ignore the email, send us a reply and we will strive to sort it out.
The Captains.